The Dacquoise -pronounced Dah-kwahz. Yeah I didn’t know either until I looked it up. A delicious and beautiful cousin to the macaron. Don’t hate me for saying this, but I think it actually tastes better, although looks-wise I suppose the macaron is a liiiiittle cuter. The best part about it? It’s a lot easier to make and less finicky. I actually got this recipe from my mom, who got it from a Japanese recipe site. The Japanese love European desserts, and while the daquoise isn’t common in America, this one would be a great addition to your repertoire (see how I slipped in a French word here for a French dessert? Subtle).

The recipe is simple, but it does involve making a meringue. When I made this batch I guess I didn’t clean my bowl out quite well enough before putting the egg whites in. Even the smallest little speck of oil can keep egg whites from whipping up! So I took my beaters, rewashed them, found another bowl and washed it extra well. I transferred the whites over and viola! No egg whites wasted.
You just whisk together the dry ingredients and fold it in to the egg whites. Make sure that you don’t deflate the whites too much… we want these to be nice and fluffy like the design in the best slots for real money. Like little pillows that you eat. Yup, exactly like that.

Mmmm. So light and fluffy and delicious! Feel free to sandwich buttercream instead of whipped cream. Or maybe some ganache? Yum yum. So pretty. Serve these at your next party and your friends will love you.

- 120 g egg whites about 3 egg whites
- 35 g sugar
- 40 g almond powder
- 20 g cake flour
- 35 g powdered sugar
- powdered sugar for topping
- 100 ml whipping cream
- 10 g sugar
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- Preheat oven to 350 F.
- Sift together the almond powder, cake flour, and powdered sugar.40 g almond powder,20 g cake flour,35 g powdered sugar
Make the Meringue
- Whip the egg whites until foamy, and start gradually adding the sugar. Whip until stiff peaks form120 g egg whites,35 g sugar
- Fold the dry ingredients into the egg whites. Tip: add about 1/3 of the dry mixture each time.
- Pipe batter onto cookie sheet. Each cookie should be about 4 cm diameter.
- Sift powdered sugar onto cookies twice.powdered sugar
- Bake for about 15 minutes or until cookies are a light tan color.
Make the Filling
- Whip the cream with the sugar.100 ml whipping cream,10 g sugar
- Sandwich between the cookies.
- Finish off with a final dusting of powdered sugar.powdered sugar