Gluten Free french dark chocolate cake recipe (Gâteau au Chocolat Noir)

Try this rich and velvety dark chocolate cake recipe. With a smooth texture and intense flavor, this gluten free version of the famous French ‘Gâteau au Chocolat Noir.’ Which translates to “Dark Chocolate Cake,” is a perfect choice for special occasions or a gourmet treat at home. Follow my simple steps to create a decadent dessert everyone will love!”

Dark Chocolate Cake Recipe

A long long time ago (last month), I made this gluten free gateau or dark chocolate cake recipe for my birthday. It’s rich, it’s dark, it’s chocolatey, and I looooove it. I grew up eating this cake. It’s popular in Japan and I thought it was popular in America, but I’ve found that many people haven’t heard of it! What?!

Dark Chocolate Cake Recipe Without Frosting

Gâteau au Chocolat Noir just means dark chocolate cake in French. But to us here in America it means a dense single layer cake, sans frosting… because you don’t even need it. I like standard American chocolate cake, don’t get me wrong…but my heart really lies with French chocolate cake.

And then there’s this craggy top that is wonderfully rustically pretty.

Gluten Free French dark chocolate cake  topped with dollop of cream using wooden fork.

Oh, and I like mine dark. I used my fav chocolate brand, Amano, which I discovered when I was in college. They were right up the street from where I lived, and I visited their warehouse and was BLOWN AWAY by how good it was. It was my first foray into the wonderful world of single origin dark chocolate, and I haven’t looked back. They sent me some bulk Madagascar chocolate, which was delicious, and then I made it again with my favorite bar, Dos Rios. They both worked wonderfully, but I especially loved the floral notes from the Dos Rios.

An Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe

This gluten free gateau has a really simple ingredients list, so using quality chocolate is a must. The flavor notes from the bar really came through in the final product, and I was really pleased with the results. You can use grocery store chocolate chips, but may I suggest using your favorite single origin bar for an extra special experience?

Top view of unsliced gateau chocolat.

I also decided to make a gluten free gateau and grain free by using almond flour. There wasn’t a huge reason, but it’s always nice to have the option, especially for when you need a treat to make for someone with dietary restrictions.

Fork lifting up a piece of gateau topped with dollop of whipped cream and mint leaf.

This simple cake is best when topped with a dollop of cool whipped cream. Give it a try. You may even find that you prefer French chocolate cake over the tall frosted American kind… gasp! You should also check out my other cake and cupcake recipes!

Tips for Making the Perfect Gluten-Free French Dark Chocolate Cake Recipe

  • Choose High-Quality Chocolate: The flavor of your cake heavily depends on the quality of chocolate you use. Opt for a high-quality dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher for that rich, deep chocolate taste that is essential for a traditional Gâteau au Chocolat Noir.

  • Use Almond Flour for the Best Texture: Almond flour not only makes this cake gluten-free but also contributes to a moist and tender crumb. Make sure the almond flour is finely ground and fresh to avoid any gritty textures.

  • Ensure Your Eggs are at Room Temperature: Room temperature eggs whip better and integrate more easily into the batter, providing a lighter, airier texture. This is crucial when you’re relying on whipped eggs for leavening, as in this recipe.

  • Be Gentle with the Egg Whites: When folding in your whipped egg whites, do so gently to preserve as much air as possible. This air is what gives the cake its lightness despite the dense, rich texture typical of a French chocolate cake.

  • Do Not Overbake: Keep a close eye on your cake as it bakes. Overbaking can cause it to dry out. Remove it from the oven when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it for that perfectly moist center.

  • Serve with Simplicity: True to French styling, this cake doesn’t need elaborate toppings. A simple dollop of whipped cream or even a dusting of powdered sugar can enhance the chocolate flavor without overwhelming it.

  • Pair with the Right Beverage: Complement this dark chocolate gateau with a glass of red wine such as Pinot Noir or a simple cup of espresso. These beverages match well with the intensity of the dark chocolate.
Gateau au chocolat, or ガトーショコラ in Japan, is a simple but popular French chocolate cake. This version uses almond flour, making it a gluten and grain free treat. 

4 thoughts on “Gluten Free french dark chocolate cake recipe (Gâteau au Chocolat Noir)”

  1. 5 stars
    Hey, can you please tell me more about this french dish?
    I would like to know the place in France where it comes from, any interesting facts about this dish like its usage in any french comincs.

    • Hi Nick, this recipe is inspired by the Gâteau au chocolat de Nancy which comes from the French town Nancy. Not sure what you mean by usage in French comincs, sorry. Hope that helps!

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